
Algebra II

Algebra 2 Course Curriculum

Algebra 2 serves as a gateway to advanced mathematical concepts and builds upon the foundational knowledge acquired in Algebra 1.
This course equips students with a comprehensive understanding of complex algebraic equations, functions, inequalities, and graph theory. A significant portion of the course is devoted to exploring quadratic equations, polynomial functions, logarithmic expressions, and rational equations.

Students will also be introduced to the intriguing world of conic sections, imaginary and complex numbers, and sequences and series.

Real-world applications of these concepts are a consistent theme throughout the course, linking abstract theories to practical scenarios.
Students are expected to use logical reasoning and critical thinking to solve intricate algebraic problems. The course also emphasizes the use of counterexamples as a method of disproving assertions, infusing a new dimension to learning. 

Upon completion, students will have gained a thorough understanding of Algebra 2 principles, preparing them for further studies in mathematics, such as pre-calculus and statistics.

Semester 1 (0.5 Credits )

  • Relations and Functions
  • Slope
  • Special Functions
  • Systems of Equations
  • Solving Systems of Equations in 3 Variables
  • Systems of Inequalities
  • Graphing Quadratic Functions
  • Solving by Factoring
  • Complex Numbers
  • Completing the Square
  • Quadratic Formula
  • Analyzing Graphs
  • Quadratic Inequalities
  • Quadratic Systems
  • Operations with Polynomials
  • Dividing Polynomials
  • Polynomial Functions
  • Solving Polynomial Equations
  • The Remainder and Factor Theorems
  • Operations on Functions
  • Inverse Functions and Relations
  • Square Root Functions
  • nth Roots
  • Operations with Radicals
  • Rational Exponents
  • Radical Equations

Semester 2 (0.5 Credits )

  • Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
  • Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions
  • Graphing Rational Functions
  • Solving Rational Equations and Inequalities
  • Exponential Functions
  • Logarithmic Functions
  • Properties of Logarithms
  • Common and Natural Logarithms
  • Growth and Decay
  • Right Triangle Trigonometry
  • Angles and Angle Measurement
  • General Angles
  • Circular Functions
  • Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  • Graphing Trigonometric Functions
  • Translating Trigonometric Graphs
  • Arithmetic Sequences and Series
  • Geometric Sequences and Series
  • Statistical Measures
  • The Normal Distribution
  • Sampling and Error
  • The Counting Principle
  • Permutations and Combinations
  • Probability
  • Multiplying Probabilities
  • Adding Probabilities