

Chemistry Course Curriculum

Chemistry provides a deep dive into the study and understanding of matter and energy, their properties and transformations. 

Throughout the course, students familiarize themselves with concepts of atomic theory, chemical bonding, reactions, stoichiometry, states of matter, properties of gases, and thermodynamics, among others.

Beginning with an examination of elements, compounds, and mixtures, students learn about the building blocks of matter, atoms, and molecules. They will next explore the periodic table, a chemist’s roadmap, and delve into the intricate world of chemical reactions and equations.

This course will allow students to obtain a hands-on experience through laboratory work, equipping them with the ability to undertake empirical investigation. Complex topics like acids and bases, electrochemistry, and organic chemistry are broken down, ensuring students establish a sound understanding of the key principles of Chemistry.

A significant emphasis is placed on real-world applications of chemical principles to deliver an understanding of the role and significance of chemistry in everyday life, including environmental, biological, and physical contexts. By the end of the course, students should be able to apply problem-solving skills to analyze and evaluate chemical phenomena lab data, revealing the interplay of mathematics within chemistry.

Semester 1 (0.5 Credits )

  • The Atom: From Philosophical Idea to Scientific Theory
  • The Structure of the Atom
  • Counting Atoms
  • The Development of a New Atomic Model
  • The Quantum Model of the Atom
  • Electron Configurations
  • History of the Periodic Table
  • Electron Configuration and the Periodic Table
  • Electron Configuration and Periodic Properties
  • Introduction to Chemical Bonding
  • Covalent and Molecular Compounds
  • Ionic Bonding and Ionic Compounds
  • Metallic Bonding
  • Molecular Geometry
  • Chemical Names and Formulas
  • Oxidation Numbers
  • Using Chemical Formulas
  • Determining Chemical Formulas
  • Describing Chemical Reactions
  • Types of Chemical Reactions
  • Activity series of the Elements
  • Introduction to Stoichiometry
  • Ideal Stoichiometric Calculations
  • Limiting Reactants and Percentage Yield

Semester 2 (0.5 Credits )

  • The Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Matter
  • Liquids
  • Solids
  • Changes of State
  • Water
  • Gases and Pressure
  • The Gas Laws
  • Gas Laws and the Ideal Gas Law
  • Diffusion and Effusion
  • Types of Mixtures
  • The Solution Process
  • Concentration of Solutions
  • Compounds in Aqueous Solutions
  • Colligative Properties of Solutions
  • Properties of Acids and Bases
  • Acid-Base Theories
  • Acid-Base Reactions
  • Aqueous Solutions and the Concept of pH
  • Determining pH and Titrations
  • Thermochemistry
  • Driving Force Reactions
  • The Reaction Process
  • Reaction Rate
  • The Nature of Chemical Equilibrium
  • Shifting Equilibrium
  • Equilibria of Acids, Bases, and Salts
  • Solubility Equilibrium
  • Oxidation and Reduction
  • Balancing Redox Equations
  • Oxidizing and Reducing Agents
  • The Nucleus
  • Radioactive Decay
  • Nuclear Radiation
  • Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion